
SvetLana Cole - Full Time Licensed broker with "Charles Rutenberg Realty"

3135 Book Rd, Naperville, IL 60564

“Equal Housing Opportunity”

Cell 630-447-8382

965 Wildwood ct Bartlett IL is today's DuPage Sheriff Auction Best Deal

965 Wildwood ct in Bartlett IL

was auctioned today January 27th at 10:30 am at DuPage County Sheriff Sale auction.

Case # 18CH1063

Opening bid - $51,022.49

# of participating Bidders - 16

Winning bid amount - $247,000.00

Real Value of this home  supported by comparable sold properties in immediate area for the past 3-6 months - $280,000 to $330,000

#TimeToBuy is NOW!

Knowing BEST Real Estate deals is my Job & Highest Priority!